Following an unprecedented 2020 and 2021, the music did not stop and we were back to full strength in 2022.
We are thrilled to announce that GlamCamp2023 is open to book! Please see our GlamCamp page for the booking form link and further details.
DATE: Monday July 24th – Friday August 4th 2023
VENUE: Garth Olwg Lifelong Learning Centre
STATUS: Open for booking!
Take a look at GlamCamp2022 to help you get inspired…
DATE: Monday July 24th – Friday August 4th
VENUE: Online and Gartholwg Lifelong Learning Center
STATUS: Ready to go!
To contact The GlamCamp Team, email:
To contact The Glam, email:
or send us a message on one of our facebook pages;
The Glam Youth Choir
The Glam (Youth Music) Organisation